I've noticed that the base is starting to cut from the back. I was thinking of adding another elastic band, but I just don't want to be in pain for church, so I'll wait til afterward (: here's a pic of it when I had finished the cleaning process today. It is obvious the base is getting smaller, the elastic bands are getting looser (they're thick in appearance, it's not tight) and more visible due to the base's shrinking/cutting. I'm beginning to think that the bands are sitting there comfortably and not contracting or straining. So just to keep the tightness fresh, I'll add another band to keep the process working and not paused due to slack bands.
I wrapped a pink thread to the keloid (3rd pic above) as tight as I could until discomfort occurred. I didn't feel satisfied so I eventually added another elastic band. The annoying tightness is back, but I prefer this to no pain. It makes me think it's actively working lol. I attempted to pull the keloid off ever so gently and saw it wasn't ready. (I really thought I would be those lucky people whose keloids drop off in less than a week lol) MAJOR pain when it's bumped. I once forgot about it and accidentally leaned on it.
Get this keloid dead and gone. Excited.
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