Monday, 30 June 2014

Day 6, show and tell :D

Screw cleaning every other day, cleaning every morning and night for me. Lol

Getting super impatient because this keloid seems to be taking its time. While I'm waiting for things to move along lol, today I will be showing you everything(?) / most of the things I used along my journey with this keloid.

This is what I used to disinfect my ear using a q-tip. The so called "ice" I used. It's a cooler stick you freeze and put in your drink bottle to make it cold, like ice does, only it doesn't dilute whatever it is. I thought it was appropriate because I didn't want it to drip everywhere. No, I don't use it in my drink bottle lol and if I do, there are spares in the freezer for that (: Next we have the elastic bands I used. I have.. four in total right now and a piece of thread. I used regular thread, please don't bash me for it lol, feel free to use dental floss or the thread surgeons use for stitching wounds LOL.

I'm always tightening it whenever I can (: it's a trying journey ):
  • I tied yet another piece of thread around my keloid (the old one is blocked by the new band I put over it) 
  • I tied it once to fasten it (like the first tie of a shoe lace)
  • Then I wounded one side round and round the keloid, staying as close to the base as possible
  • Finish it by tying it once again (the same as you started)
  • Simply snip the excess thread (safety precaution, don't want to pull on it by accident)
  • Now you can tighten by pulling carefully at the two strands
This is how I can tighten and tighten it without new thread, however I'm sure there are better ways to knot this.

(btw, this was written on the 29th? Idk why the dates are being bogus)

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